Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School Blog: Take Charge

2024 Spring Athletics' Awards

Written by Julia Kennard | 5/21/24 3:18 PM

On Wednesday, May 15, the CH-CH community gathered in the Assembly Hall for the Spring Athletics’ Awards.

The spring season marks the end of the CH-CH Athletics program for the senior class. Athletic Director, Lori White, noted the perseverance that these senior athletes have shown. From participating in drills and skills on Zoom in 2020 to having interruptions to their early athletics seasons to their final games this spring; all senior athletes were recognized for their outstanding drive and commitment to athletics.

As always, a special thank you to all parents, guardians, coaches, and student athletes for completing and helping with another phenomenal season! 

See photos from the event here


The Spring Athletic Award winners are: 


Boys’ Lacrosse

Most Improved: Máximo M. ‘24

Coaches’ Award: Jack L. ‘25

Coaches’ Award: Nicholas D. ‘24

Girls’ Lacrosse

Most Valuable Player: Phinley G. ‘27

Coaches’ Award: Zoe T. ‘25

Captains’ Award: Rest A. ‘26

Ultimate Frisbee

Spirit Award: Margaret C. ‘24

Spirit Award: Sam M. ‘25

Spirit Award: Camila L. ‘25

Girls Varsity Tennis

Team Player Award: Molly S. ‘25

Most Improved Player: Matilda G. ‘26

Coach’s Award: Olivia M. ‘24

Girls JV Tennis

Coach's Award: Jiayue "Iris" W. ‘26

Boys Varsity Tennis

Spirit Award: Nate D. ‘25

Spirit Award: Jimmy P. ‘27

Spirit Award: Pablo R. ‘24


Impact Pitching Award: Milo T. ‘27

Impact Hitting Award: Adam P. ‘27