CH-CH is excited to announce that the GwinnLandry Family Challenge, supported by the Landry Family Foundation, has pledged to match up to $250k in leadership gifts to the Growing Minds, Growing Community Capital Campaign.
The Growing Minds, Growing Community Capital Campaign, which began in Fall 2023, aims to improve the spaces and places students and faculty utilize on campus. The center of this campaign is the construction of our newest teaching and learning space, which is replacing the Atwood building. This 4,153 square-foot ADA-compliant academic building, will feature extensive outdoor space that connects the classroom to nature, giving students and teachers an inspirational place for teaching and learning.
Through these enhancements, our students will be able to grow their own learning here by taking advantage of a building that incorporates the importance of nature in the classroom.
To date, the campaign has raised $2.18M in gifts from 111 donors.
“CH-CH has been a wonderful place for our daughter to grow as a learner and to feel valued as a known and needed member of the school community,” said Kim and Mark GwinnLandry P’27. “We couldn’t be more excited about creating this challenge and hope to inspire others in the community to join us by investing in this dynamic new teaching and learning space."
How to Give: If you would like to make a gift to the CH-CH Growing Minds, Growing Community, reach out to CH-CH’s Chief Advancement Officer, Leslie Jacobson Kaye P’21, or give directly through our campaign form.