Topics: Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall
This year, the Spring Art Show at Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School has gone virtual! We are excited to welcome you to the Virtual Spring Visual Arts Show, which represents every art student in the CH-CH community.
In addition to the virtual gallery tour, we are highlighting the four graduating AP Art students with a selection of their artwork from this year. Their full AP portfolios can be found on the websites that they have created, linked below.
Enjoy the show!
Topics: Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Class of 2020, Visual and Performing Arts
Tips For Thriving During Distance Learning
Now that teachers and students have adjusted to new schedules and routines, it’s important to embrace the current learning environment. The Skills and Academic Support Department at Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall is here to help you continue to succeed while at home with strategies and tips that will keep you in a motivated and engaged mindset.
Topics: Student Wellness, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Student Skill Building, Caring Community, Study Guide and Strategies, Healthy Eating at School
Transforming Your Communication at Home [Including PDF Guide]
Topics: Boarding School, Student Wellness, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Self-Care Strategies
Topics: Boarding School, Student Wellness, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Caring Community, Class of 2020
Recently, the Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall Admissions team went live on YouTube to answer parent questions about the independent school admissions process. CH-CH Director of Enrollment Management, Lisa Pelrine, was joined by current students Sonya G. '21 and Elena S. '20 for the webinar. You can watch a rebroadcast of the Q&A here, and in this article we'll outline some of the answers to the great questions asked by the families watching!
Topics: Boarding School, Multiple Intelligences, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Admissions
CH-CH Varsity Basketball: Two Teams, Two Leagues, Four Championships
Over the past two school years, the Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School athletics program shattered centuries-old school records by securing twelve championships from their boys and girls varsity programs. With a championship mindset going into the winter 2019-2020 season, the Chargers were eager to bring home another trophy for their respective basketball leagues.
Topics: Boarding School, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Alumni, Beyond the Classroom
On Wednesday, February 12th, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School opened the doors to their new Visual & Performing Arts Center. The $5.5M project has transformed a historic 19th-century Waltham barn into a 22,000 square foot, cutting edge center for the arts.
Topics: Building Creativity
Students Take the Lead on Diversity and Inclusion for MLK Day
To honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s call to service, CH-CH students continued the tradition of creating and leading MLK workshops to bring diversity and inclusion to the forefront, while giving their peers opportunities to understand experiences different from their own.
Topics: Boarding School, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Caring Community, Embracing Diversity, Inclusion, Leadership, Beyond the Classroom
7 Essential College Tips For High School Seniors, As Told By Recent Graduates
Recently, a group of CH-CH alumni returned to campus in Waltham. Their goal was to lead a discussion with the current class of seniors, giving advice that has helped them in their time in college and beyond. Here are the top 7 tips that they had for high school seniors:
Topics: Student Wellness, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, College Counseling, Alumni, Study Guide and Strategies, Beyond the Classroom, Matriculation