After more than a 20-year absence on the CH-CH campus, tennis is back, and is being led by an instructor with lots of experience and an incredible attitude towards the sport.
Topics: Boarding School, Student Wellness, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Student Skill Building, Athletics
Students' Digital Distraction: Just A Notification Away
Are you a parent or teacher of a student who will not turn the device off? Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common occurrence with today’s generation of high schoolers. I don’t mean to generalize as there certainly are some students who are able to manage their social feeds and academics without it taking their abilities completely off course.
Topics: Student Wellness, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Student Skill Building, Studying Tips
The Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School athletics program spent the 2017-18 school year shattering centuries-old school records by securing six championships from their 13 varsity programs. With four championships under their belt for 2018-19, CH-CH is on pace to match or even exceed last year’s record-breaking year.
Topics: Boarding School, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Athletics
Spring Break with Dr. Conrad - 8,000 Miles from CH-CH
As I fly over the Arctic Circle en route to mainland China to visit our Chinese families and students, I think about how we at Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall have re-imagined our approaches to connecting with our current and prospective Chinese families.
Topics: Boarding School, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Caring Community, Embracing Diversity, International Program
Studying for exams can be a daunting, often anxiety-inducing task. Let’s be real - no one enjoys studying for exams, but could that be because you haven’t found the way that is most effective for your learning style?
Topics: Multiple Intelligences, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Student Skill Building, Study Guide and Strategies
Want To Hang Out This Weekend? Making Lasting Friendships at School
Friendships are important at every age, but the friendships formed in middle school and high school can make a major impact at this highly-impressionable time. The Journal of Educational Psychology recently surveyed 242 middle school students and found that “students begin to form a sense of self based in part on their interactions with their peers. They also tend to look to each other for help and support as they make other important physical, cognitive and school-related transitions" (Vol. 96, No. 2).
Topics: Boarding School, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Caring Community
Last winter, the Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall wrestling team was a force to be reckoned with, winning the Eastern Independent League Tournament Championship for the first time since 1992. The bar was set high going into the 2018-2019 winter athletic season, with Chargers eager to defend their titles as reigning champions.
Topics: Boarding School, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Athletics
As soon as the school year begins, students begin the countdown to one of the most anticipated events of the year...
Topics: Boarding School, Multiple Intelligences, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Caring Community, Winter Carnival
Aerial Cinematographer and pilot Maxwell Tubman ‘04 has moved from the CH-CH campus to the forefront of the drone industry. Tubman continues to draw on the creativity and inspiration he gained at CH-CH as he invents aircraft that are being utilized in projects ranging from major film productions to providing assistance to those affected by natural disasters.
Topics: Boarding School, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Alumni Entrepreneurs
Have you ever completed a project, but couldn’t submit it on time because you forgot to put it in your backpack? Arrived at school only to find out you had a quiz in math that you didn’t study for? Submitted an assignment, but got points taken off for not having the rubric requirements?
Topics: Student Wellness, Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall, Student Skill Building